Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Jesus' Hands

I guess the main thing I’ve learned is that Jesus doesn’t always ‘fix things’…He just holds you, instead.
—Jim Grier

That’s a powerful statement, especially in light of what Jim Grier has been walking through over the last few years. Jim is one of the key leaders and visionaries for The Sentinel Group—a band of Flatirons men reaching out to divorced and single fathers.

I can’t (and won’t) get into all the gory details. Suffice it to say that Jim Grier has been through one of the nastiest child support/custody battles I’ve ever come across. The settlement and plea bargain with his ex-wife in California ended with Jim doing a 90 day sentence here in Colorado at the Weld County jail—a sentence that lasted from October 2015 to January 2016.

Listening to Jim share his story over coffee this morning was equally heart-breaking and encouraging. He owns his mistakes in this sordid journey, but I couldn’t help but still see God’s fingerprints all over Jim’s mess—seeing God’s redemptive hand, making things ”good” (Romans 8:28).

As Jim told me a few of the stories from his incarceration in Weld County, I could see so many “God moments” in the midst of it all; counseling and guiding multiple men in jail…helping a fellow inmate reduce his sentence (failure to do court-mandated divorce counseling) by leading him through The Sentinel Group’s divorce recovery material…and even leading a Satanist to a saving faith in Jesus as his savior.

Simply, God moments.

But I guess the thing that stood out to me the most at the East Simpson Coffee Shop this morning was Jim’s constant use of the words, “held in Jesus’ hands”…and what that looked like for him. Jesus’ hands looked like the men of his Sentinel Group:

Men who rallied around Jim by regularly visiting the jail…

Men who took turns caring for Jim’s wife Mary, and their kids, in his absence…

Men who lived out what their teaching and encouraging through The Sentinel Group…

Men who truly “smoked what they are selling.

That’s what Jesus’ hands looked like.

The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.  For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.  Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

The Body of Christ is made up of many parts…and Jim Grier was lovingly held in Jesus’ hands. And in the middle of your world falling apart…can there be a safer place?


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Under Review: Friends

I know. It’s been awhile…a LONG while...since I’ve posted something on this blog.

I've spent the last half-year using this space as a place to keep me connected (and keep you involved) in the progress of my daughter and son-in-law’s trek along the Appalachian Trail. Now that they’re back safe and sound—I’ve been seriously remiss in posting new content. Sorry.

So, in light of Scott Nickell’s message this past weekend about putting our friendships Under Review (Under Review: Friends - 1/23-24/2016) I thought my friend Bart Lillie’s recent post about small groups was fitting. Bart and his wife Jenni lead our Community Facilitator Workshop, but more importantly they "smoke what they sell" and live life in community well. I hope you enjoy Bart’s thoughts.


Bart’s 10 Reasons You Should NOT Join A Small Group

If you start with good intentions, only to bail halfway through, you’ll be branded a quitter. Best not to “try,” rather than to take a risk and fail. Taking risks can get you hurt.
You don’t know where you’ll end up with this group, and when you get there you might not like it. And you may not like the journey either. It’s best to just spend some more time on the couch with some video games (because you know where you’ll end up there and winning is easier).
These are real men you will be doing this with. You will be sharing your story, which includes your good times and hard times. You know you… you’ve got warts, issues, crap galore… you’re probably going to be the blackest sheep in the circle. Do you really want to go there in front of other men?
In fact, it can be downright destructive. If you start down this path, you are making a choice to change your direction. And it can blow up your life… the way you work, the way you relate to your wife and kids, and the way you see yourself. It’s safer to stay in the status quo and not rock the boat. In fact, don’t even change your direction to get in a boat.
If you avoid the questions, you can avoid having to lie to yourself and everyone else around you. You already know that you won’t talk about “that” part of you, so why put yourself in a position to have to dodge the question? What good can come from honesty? Truth won’t set you free in this area of your life.
“I don’t have time right now.” This is probably the most obvious reason. Really? Like you have 5+ hours a week to add something new in your life? There’s probably a better season for you to do this… when things settle down. Especially not during ski season. Maybe this summer… or next year… or after the kids are older… or after they move out…
Jesus was against religion. He was also pretty hard on religious people. What if this journey turns you into a religious freak that Jesus constantly speaks out against? Besides, what about the people around you… what will they think? You are not going to be a Jesus freak.
Yup, you got it. Friends are not as important as family. And you are already way too invested in other “important” things. You only have a couple hours of free time per week, and it needs to go to your family right? Because certainly your family needs to come before your friends… and work… and sports… and exercise… and walking the dog. There’s not enough time in your schedule.
People flake out. There’s a good chance that people in this group will flake out. There’s even a good chance that you will flake out. When you put your trust in other people, you end up getting burned. You’ve got scars and stories to prove it. Best to not add to that list. Don’t get hurt by someone again.

You say: “I’m good. I’ve got it figured out already, at least good enough for me. I’ve done some ‘soul work,’ been to the retreat, got the tattoo/necklace/t-shirt. In fact, I’ve even been to counseling. I could probably join the group to help everyone out, but I am not sure that I’d get much out of it. I don’t need this.” Good for you… you don’t need this. Don’t start.