Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The End of the Trail

So, for the last six and half months I have been sharing my (almost) daily messages to my daughter Katie and son-in-law Nick as they have thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail. I used this blog as incentive to keep me motivated and (as I post the last of these notes) I wanted to thank you. 

Knowing that you were out there…praying for Katie and Nick…and encouraging us all in this journey…has been such a blessing. 

As I type this, Katie and Nick are on their way home. We will see them tomorrow morning and (I'm sure) have a wonderful reunion. Thank you again for caring and praying for my kids. 

I'll let you know soon what life is like post-hike.


Dan Foote

Day 192: No Writing   

Day 193: Splashdown   

I know I wrote to you earlier in the hike about the communication blackouts that used to happen when a NASA spacecraft used to re-enter the atmosphere. When you two first started hiking, and we went for days not hearing anything from you, it reminded me of watching all those Apollo missions from NASA when I was a kid--and the tense re-entries where there was no communication at all between Houston and the spacecraft. Time seemed to stop during those re-entries.

That's where we are now. Waiting patiently for your re-entry. 

We last heard from you on Saturday morning by phone--right before you re-stocked your packs for the last time in Monson, ME. Then, before you left, we got Katie's text and picture: "Thanks to you guys, I will not starve in the 100 mile wilderness!! Thank you so much. We love you!" Not exactly the stuff of astronauts…like vacuum sealed health bars and Tang! Lots of Little Debbie's, fruit snacks and Sour Patch Kids?! 

I had a bunch of people ask me where you were and how you're doing today. I was honest. I told them, "I don't know. We're incommunicado until they finish." Then, I'd say, "They told us they'd finish sometime around October 14th". The reaction was the same, to a person: "That's in like, two days!

Two days! Not two months or two weeks. But two days! Two days until splashdown…and re-establishing communications…and figuring out how to get you back home.

Time seems to have stopped. 

"Let me hear joy and gladness…"  (Psalm 51:8)


Day 194: Prodigal    

Webster's defines it this way:

adjective prod·i·gal \ˈprä-di-gəl\
carelessly and foolishly spending money, time, etc.

Trust me. I'm not calling you prodigals, but I can't quit thinking about you two and Jesus' Parable of the Prodigal Son

Most of the newer translations of the Bible refer to it as the Parable of the "Lost" Son. I don't know. Maybe "prodigal" is passé or maybe the word prodigal has lost it's impact? Or I'm guessing that the word "prodigal" doesn't really speak to the heart of Jesus' parable. I'll be honest. I had to look up the definition of prodigal because…even though I still refer to it as The Prodigal Son…I really didn't know the true definition of the word: prodigal. As a kid, I just always thought it was a King James-y way of saying "bad". Then, like (I think) most of the folks from my generation, I just accepted the word prodigal…and used the word prodigal…to refer to someone who had strayed off path. 

Reading Webster's Dictionary may have set me straight on the definition of prodigal, but it doesn't change why I've been consumed with the parable. I've been consumed by the father. In Jesus' story, a father has two sons. The younger son tells his dad that he wants his inheritance…BEFORE his dad dies. Meaning, "I wish you were dead, so that I can have your money!"! The father (foolishly) gives his snotty little son the money and the kid runs off to a foreign country and spends it on "wild living"…Bible-speak for "sex, drugs and rock-n-roll." Then, Jesus says the kid's money runs out…and then there's a famine…and the next thing you know…he's feeding slop to pigs…so hungry he's thinking of eating their swill. Instead, the dirty, ungrateful, snot-nosed younger son gets an idea: "I'll go back home and beg to be a servant at my dad's place!

And here's why I can't quit thinking about this parable:

"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."  (Luke 15:20)
Like I wrote above, I'm not calling you prodigals…or lost. It's just that you've been gone for SO long and I feel like that dad in Jesus' parable. I'm anxiously waiting…for the text…or the call…telling me you're ready to come home. I'm (figuratively) standing on the front porch…scanning the horizon…watching for any sign of you…waiting to run to you. 

After reading that the word prodigal means to "carelessly and foolishly spend money, time, etc." it makes me wonder what else is included in "etc.". Is love included? And if it is...why didn't the Bible translators call it The Prodigal Father. I think it would be more accurate because the whole point of the parable is to show how "carelessly and foolishly" God loves usand how much He longs for us to come home. 

Get ready. Mom and I are going to get "prodigal" on you when you get back.


Day 195: Time At A Stand Still    

"Hi!!! We are at Jo-Mary road. The past couple days have been kind of slow going. Nick and I both have nasty colds :( we are planning on doing 25+ tomorrow and then we will be about 11 miles from Abol bridge. Once we get there we will be 9 miles from the base of Katahdin! Once we get to Abol we have to speak to the park rangers about weather and see when it's safe to summit. No matter what though, we will be done in a few days!"  -- Text from Katie

The communication blackout ceased…briefly…with the news that (1) you both have colds and (2) you're a couple of days from finishing. 

Again…I feel like the proverbial little kid a couple of days before Christmas…when time seems to stand still and the minutes of each day are agonizing. 

C'mon Christmas! Hurry-it-up!   


Day 196: Bottled Up Good News    

I can't get into all the specifics. Suffice it to say, the last few days at the office have been "dicey"…to say the least. 

We've got some personnel changes on the horizon within our team that I've been trying to work through…and it's been tough. I haven't handled things perfectly, and when you add the emotional element to it, it gets "dicey". My biggest concern has been that some of my relationships…good, healthy, loving and encouraging relationships…were in jeopardy. 

Change is NEVER easy. And sometimes…change looks REALLY scary at first. I guess that's where faith really needs to kick in and do its work.     

The situation at the office looked very, very bleak yesterday…until after lunch. Then, it was like the clouds parted…and God smiled down on everyone involved. An impasse was resolved…an agreement was made…and the healing began. About 2 hours after that…I received Katie's text telling us you were at the Jo-Mary Road, along the 100 Mile Wilderness. I tried to locate it online, but only ended up frustrated. I couldn't pinpoint your location. Still, knowing you were only days away from finishing…along with the good news from the office…made me think, "I wish I could bottle up and save good news so that I can open it on days when I really need a pick-me-up." But that's not the way life works. You have to take the good with the bad and deal with it when you receive either. 

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future."  (Ecclesiastes 7:14)

Today, everything looks great! The future's so bright…I've got to wear shades. But tomorrow…who knows? Only God does. And I hope He brings us news that you're done…finished…terminadofinifertig. I don't know which has been harder…dropping you off at the airport 6 months ago…or waiting for you to finish these last few days. 

Bring us good news…my bottle's almost empty again.


Day 197: FaceTime    

"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart."  (Proverbs 27:19)

I loved seeing Katie's freshly-scrubbed face tonight. 

Tonight was the first time we've done FaceTime in months. Seeing Katie's pink cheeks…blazing white smile…and wet hair wrapped in a towel was a welcome surprise. Over the years, I have gotten used to her dripping wet hair bundled up in a towel on her head. I just didn't know how much I missed it until tonight. 

That's what FaceTime will do for you.

I have to admit, the last few days of your hike are DRIVING ME CRAZY! Just when I think, "They'll be done tomorrow", we get a text message or a call telling us, "A few more days". I was fully expecting to get the call today…or tomorrow morning…telling us you were done. Then tonight, Katie informed us that you're literally 9 miles from finishing, but Mt. Katahdin is snowed under and you're going to wait until Sunday (2 more days!) to try your summit. Sheesh! You two are killing me! 

But the FaceTime call tonight helped.

Technology amazes me. The fact that we can video call each other from our phones is mind-boggling. It's the stuff of science fiction…of Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov. I love it…and it's a great thing to appease the emotions. But it's not a replacement. FaceTime does NOT replace face time

So, enjoy your stay in the hotel tonight. Get some rest and get prepared to pack up on Sunday morning and take on Katahdin. Nine more miles. That's it! Nine more miles until we get you into a rental car and get you home…for some REAL face time

Two more days...  


Day 198: Finished    

It's finished. 

Your thru-hike is over. You summited Mt. Katahdin today (October 18, 2015) in below zero temperatures with driving wind and snow. You made it! Six months and sixteen days after starting on April 2, 2015 in Springer Mountain, Georgia. You're done. It is finished. 

About 2,200 miles, give or take. 

2,200 miles. That's the distance you've just hiked. Ironically, it's about the same distance from Bangor, Maine to Denver…2,200 miles. This trip, though, will only take you two and half days by Greyhound bus. The tickets are purchased (Thanks to Uncle Buzz and "Salt") and you board at 5:20AM this Tuesday morning. Relax. Read a couple of books. Nick, take lots of Dramamine. Mom and I will be waiting (impatiently) for you at the Denver bus terminal on Thursday morning. Who knows…we might even bring Peanut.     



It's a Greek word. It means, "It is finished." It's what Jesus said on the cross in John 19. I've read that it's an accounting term meaning, "Paid in Full." Now, I'm NOT likening what you've just completed to what Jesus did on the cross. Of course not! But I can't get the words "It is finished" and "paid in full" out of my head. 

I know you both started this hike with some deep desires and needs; desires and needs to prove yourselves and to push yourselves, like you've never been pushed before. I hope and pray that has happened and that you've fulfilled those dreams. You'll have lots of time to decompress and meditate on it…and we'll have lots of time to talk about it. But before you get home, I need you to know this: I'll never be able to tell you enough how proud I am of you two. I'm so proud of your endurance…your dedication…and your inspiration. 

One other thing I need to write; please, please try and remember that NO ONE will EVER be able to take this experience away from you…and only you (and God) will know what you've taken away from it. And even though carrying everything in a backpack…and sleeping every night in a tent…and eating pre-packaged food for every meal for 6 months is finished…your journey isn't over. 

But remember, you don't need to prove a thing to anyone…because you already know deep-down who you are…what you're made of…and who you belong to ("…and you belong to Christ; and Christ belongs to God."  1 Corinthians 3:23).

That journey will NEVER end.    


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Second-to-the-Last Post to My Hikers...

Day 179: Finish Strong   

So…we haven't heard from you since early last week. By now…you should be in Maine, right? I know that this section is much more remote…with little to no phone service…but I'm still hoping you'll get this. I'm checking weather and looking over internet maps of where (I think) you should be. I will admit…I'm more anxious now than I was when you first started. It's what happens to me every time I have to deal with a day or event that I'm anticipating, like Christmas or vacation or the birth of a grandchild. I get anxious…counting down the days…trying to make the days leading up to the big day speed up. I know it's useless, but I can't help it. 

All I will write tonight is that Mom and I are anxiously waiting to get an update…and praying for your safety…and quick return. Please keep yourselves safe…enjoy the few remaining days on the trail…and finish strong! We're SO proud of you! 

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7)

Day 180: 1,900   

I loved hearing from Katie this afternoon. I know you are both tired and I know that the last couple of days hiking through Maine have been some of the hardest you've hiked, but…as I told Katie today…don't focus on the difficulty. Focus on the fact that…with every step…you're getting closer and closer to your final goal. And…if Mt. Katahdin ices over…or Baxter State Park closes before you finish…take heart; what you've done is amazing! Getting Katie's picture (Below) later today only emphasizes my point. Seeing her feet with "1,900" written in sticks says it all: over the last 5 1/2 months you have LITERALLY walked 1,900 miles. 

And if a storm blew in and covered all of Baxter State Park in snow…ending your hike…you can hold your head high. 

So, keep hiking. Hike until you can't hike anymore. Either because the park is closed…weather doesn't permit it…or you ascend Mt. Katahdin and fulfill your dream by ending your thru-hike of the AT. Keep hiking. Don't let fatigue, homesickness or exhaustion stop you. You're almost there. You've already hiked 1,900 miles. What's another 268.1 miles? YOU CAN DO THIS! 

Once again, as I told Katie on the phone today, we all miss you too…but we'll see you soon. I know you're tired and want to come home. I know that you're homesick, but don't let any of that stand in the way of finishing this. We will be here when you finish…when you can't hike anymore. Whether that's next week…or on October 12th (The date Katie said you're now targeting). We will be here.  

Until then, we're praying for you…cheering you on…and SO excited about what you've done…and what you're still to do! And remember, God will see you through everything!

"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."  (Proverbs 16:3)


Day 181: Erased   

"It's been pouring down rain all day, so we're going to bypass the next section of the trail. It's about 25 miles. We'd have to ford a river and they say that it's up to your neck right now."  (Katie on the phone tonight) 

Yes. Wise move. 

Like I said on the phone to Katie, the water's up to everyone else's neck…and over Katie's head! The smart thing is to skip that dangerous portion. And I won't lie…hitching a ride and skipping that 25 miles of the trail puts you even closer to finishing sooner. You can always go back (like on your 20th wedding anniversary, maybe?) and re-hike that section of the AT. You can take your kids and make a memory!

Katie shared a lot of what you've been going through…and I wanted to say thanks to Nick…for keeping Katie grounded…for not getting overly excited, bummed or frustrated through this journey…and for wisely keeping everyone safe. Full disclosure here? I probably would have pressed for fording the river. I'm sure it's in my DNA…and why many of my ancestors never made it as explorers; they probably all died in senseless wagon accidents…logging incidents…and poorly planned river crossings. 

So, Uncle Dave has been hooked on hunting down our ancestry. He's been online reading and researching our family tree. It's been fun to get his periodic emails telling your uncles and me his latest find. But I have to tell you…his most recent big discovery has me a bit skeptical. Uncle Dave shot an email out a couple weeks back with his latest Foote ancestry find. I guess…back about 30 generations or so…our great, great great, etc. grandfather was Robin Hood. Hmmm. My first thought was, "Sure. What's next? We're related to Alexander the Great?" Honestly. I really think and all those other online family tree sites probably funnel everyone who logs on to someone famous. It's similar to all the folks who buy into the reincarnation bunk. They all think they're a reincarnation of someone famous…Cleopatra or Henry the VIII. I never hear anyone say, "I am reincarnated from Steve the peasant.

The truth is; when you REALLY work the family tree back…eventually we're all related…we're all from the same line. The thing that gets me…every time I think about my long-gone relatives…is how little I know about them. I've heard it said that most of us only keep the memory of dead relatives alive for about 3 generations. That's true for me…and even though Uncle Dave is re-tracing our family roots…their stories are gone. Their thoughts, ideas, hopes and desires…none of us know. What they liked or didn't like to eat or how they met their spouse or even what they did for a living. All of that is lost to the passage of time. And the other truth is this; the same will be true for us. The stories of our lives will be lost…erased by time. Like Terry says about America in Field of Dreams, "The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time." Like America…the Foote and Spharler story will be erased like a blackboard, re-written…and erased again. 

I know that sounds like a downer, but it's not. That's why what you're doing is SO important. It's important to you…and it's important to us…and it's important to some other close family and friends. But it will eventually be forgotten. Except by us. 

Who we are…and what we do…all gets to go into eternity with us. Three generations from now…no one here will know or remember the 6 months you hiked the Appalachian Trail…but you will…and we will…and then…maybe…we'll get to tell everyone else about it in heaven. 


I can't wait to tell my Grandma Foote. I can already see the look on her face.

"If a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come." (Job 14:14) 


Day 182: Scary Close  

By now you've bypassed the part of the trail with the swollen river (and the chance of risking your lives)…along with skipping a 25 mile stretch of the AT. I'm glad you decided to miss the danger…and get about finishing off the last 230 miles of your hike.

Since we talked to Katie for such a long time last night, I feel like we're all caught up. The only thing I really have to share tonight is the encouragement to read Donald's Miller's Scary Close. That's the book I referenced a couple of days ago. I finished last night. I will preface this by stating, a lot of times a book sticks or resonates with you because of stage in life…or current circumstances…or what you had for lunch that day. That may be true with Scary Close, but I keep having conversations where (what seems like) the perfect anecdote or quote is coming from this book. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll just write: you need to read this book! Here are a few quotes I underlined. I'll let Donald Miller do the talking:

"…human love isn't conditional. No love is conditional. If love is conditional, it's just some sort of manipulation masquerading as love."

"Having integrity is about being the same person on the inside that we are on the outside, and if we don't have integrity, life becomes exhausting."

"The root of sin is the desire for control…the root of control is fear."

"Controlling people are the loneliest people in the world."

"…a healthy person in a relationship with an unhealthy person still makes an unhealthy relationship."

"I'm convinced honesty is the soil intimacy grows in."

And that's just a few of the lines I underlined and highlighted in Scary Close. This happened to me over and over again; I read stuff or hear messages or something jumps out at me in the Bible and I think, "You're 55 years old! Why are you JUST learning this?" Then, I reassure myself with the truth that age should never impede you from learning. I will say though, "I wish I knew then what I know now."  

But don't order Scary Close on your phone or Kindle. I'll put it on the nightstand in the spare room…waiting for you…when you return to Colorado. You will have to try and ignore my highlights…or maybe use them as as advice for the road ahead. 
"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding…" (Proverbs 3:13)

(Check out Scary Close by Donald Miller at:

Day 183: A Table of Solitude

Back to the drawing board. 

I spent the better part of the day at my drawing table working on the Christmas Story book that the Flatirons Kid's Ministry team will be giving out to all the kids over Christmas this year. I sketched away on an illustration of Mary and Joseph walking down the streets of Bethlehem. It was good to be back at my table…it was fun to work on another Kid's Ministry project…and it was SO familiar. 

I've spent the better part of my life at that drawing table. Up until 2010...when I came on staff at Flatirons as Men's Pastor…I've been hunched over that drawing table. I bought my drawing table (Below) for $99.00 when I was sixteen years old. I saw it in the Waldenbooks display window at the Great Lakes Mall in Mentor, Ohio and HAD to have it! We have been close ever since. I've produced more cartoons and illustrations…and spent more hours at it…than I could ever remember or count.

The thing is, when I look at my drawing table…I don't really think about all the art I've produced at it. I think of all the time I've been lost in my head at it. The solitary nature of cartooning and illustration lends itself to thinking…and meditating…and pondering life and faith. It's my favorite part of working at my drawing table…and one of the things I miss the most. My life at Flatirons is so fun and hectic and invigorating, but it doesn't lend itself to quiet introspection. As a matter of fact, I have to REALLY get intentional and make the time and space for quiet and solitude…and I haven't done a very good job at it. The media fast I've placed on myself over the last few weeks has helped…and sitting at my drawing table today was a stark reminder of how much I need it. I need the reinvigoration that comes from the quiet places. For me, solitude is one of the greatest sources of life and energy I can find. It centers my heart and draws me closer to God.

I thought a lot about you two today.

What's it going to be like when you get off the Appalachian Trail in a couple of weeks? Are you going to have a similar "drawing table" experience when you re-insert yourselves back into the noise of life…leaving 6 months of quiet and solitude behind? We all know it's going to be a huge adjustment and you're both going to have to get very intentional to create the space and time for solitude. 

Maybe we can help each other in the pursuit. I'm already working on it. My HDTV antennae came in the mail yesterday. Good bye cable! No more inane temptations to litter our worlds with 500 stations of nothing. 

Let's all go back to the drawing board together! 

“Since we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)

Day 184: Salt

Emery's reading her Bible. When she got to the picture of Jesus putting mud on the blind man's eyes, she laughed and said, "You're funny, Jesus." -- Text from Ben

Mom and I got that text from Ben as we drove to church tonight. We cracked up! That's Em's favorite saying right now. She tells Mom, "You're funny, Mimi" or tells me, "You're funny, Gampa.

That was our first little surprise tonight.

I noticed the police car as we turned on to Public Road, about 1/2 mile from church. I knew I didn't do anything wrong, but I still get antsy when a cop car is following me. He stayed with me as I turned right on to Waneka Drive, and then right again into the church parking lot. It wasn't until I parked that he hit his lights and announced…in bright blue and red…to everyone streaming into church…I must be a criminal. In the end, it was mistaken identity. The police dispatcher gave the officer the wrong information. She had the wrong state's license plate number. The dispatcher told him I was possibly a felon from Nevada. We laughed and he apologized for making us late to church.

That was our second little surprise tonight.

The third was in my mail box in the church offices. It was an envelope from "Salt". Salt asked that I only share his trail name with you. I had coffee with him Thursday. Salt has been part of my world for almost 5 years now. I had the privilege of baptizing him 4 or 5 years ago and we meet on a regular basis. Salt's on a journey. We spoke about it the other morning at the East Simpson Coffee Shop (my new favorite). He's been on a rather rough patch of trail in his walk with Jesus lately. We talked about straying off course in your faith walk and whether you can lose your salvation. I assured him that, other than blaspheming the Holy Spirit, his issues weren't salvation-losing (Truth is, if you're asking whether you've blasphemed the Holy Spirt…you haven't). 

Salt and I ended up talking about the new Flatirons Core Value: #3- Intentional Apprenticeship or Discipleship. We're going to REALLY focus, as a church, on what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus…to REALLY follow Him…to REALLY try and be like Him. Salt has a deep love for Jesus. I think he just needs to shore up a few things…like a lot of us…including me. Later that day, Salt texted me and tried calling me. He wanted to set up a time Friday to drop something off. We couldn't make our schedules work, so he left a message telling me he was dropping it off at the church front desk. 

It was in my mail box when Mom and I walked in the rear entrance to church tonight. I opened the envelope. Inside was a note. It was brief, but the middle paragraph read:

"More than once I've been moved by your blog + feel for Katie + Nick. 
Having just completed the CO Trail, I know the value of trail 'magic' 
and the occasional trail 'angel'. 
Please find enclosed a little trail 'magic' for Katie and Nick."         

Inside were 10 twenty dollar bills. Another $200 to add to the "Bring the Hikers Home Fund".

(Salt's Hand Written Note)

I don't know why his trail name is Salt. I'm sure he'll tell me the next time we get together. All I know is that he's a man on a journey. He's looking for the right path…the true path…the only path that really matters. Salt was worried that he had gone too far off the path, and that maybe Jesus wouldn't have anything to do with him anymore. That's just not true. Jesus makes it clear…that's the furthest thing from the truth:

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  (Romans 8:38-39)
I'd love for you two…Sunshine and Breeze…to eventually meet Salt. I'd love for you all to share what you've learned on your separate journeys. 
I'd love for all of your paths to cross someday.  
"Jesus answered, “I am the way (path) and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  (John 14:6)

Day 185: No Writing
Spoke with Katie on the phone. They reached the 2,000 mile marker. Only 1 more re-supply before summiting Mt. Katahdin in Baxter State Park, Maine.

Day 186: It's All Relative

By now you've re-stocked your packs in Stratton, ME and hopped back on the trail. That was your second-to-the-last re-supply before you climb to the top of Katahdin. Hard to believe. It's now October 5th…six months and 3 days since you started walking from Springer Mountain, Georgia. Over 2,000 miles. Only 178 miles until you reach your final goal. It's crazy to think about, but if you told me tomorrow that I had to hike 178 miles in the next 10 to 12 days…I'd say you were nuts! But when I think, "Katie and Nick ONLY have to hike 178 miles in the next 10-12 days"…it feels like a cinch…a walk in the park! 

I guess it's all relative. Like most things in life; it all depends on your perspective.

Last night we met with a group of men to discuss a new ministry group we're going to partner up with, a group called Fathers in the Field. It's a ministry outreach to single moms and their fatherless boys--ages 7 to 17 years old. The program's set up to teach and encourage boys to become men in homes without an active father…where hunting, fishing, camping and hiking are used as elements to nurture young boys' broken hearts and build them into men. We're very, very excited about Fathers in the Field and the potential it holds for some of the lost and broken at Flatirons. In the meeting last night someone asked, "What constitutes fatherlessness and/or a deadbeat dad?" Again, it's all relative. Mike (the regional director for Fathers in the Field) said, "Any boy without a dad or a dad who has little to no influence…because he's gone or refuses to take part in the boy's upbringing." That breaks my heart.

I don't get that. I'm sorry. But I can't overlook that that two of the happiest days in my life was when Ben was born in Ohio and Katie was born in Texas. I was SO excited and scared and hopeful to be a dad. The thoughts of turning my back on either of them was unspeakable. I just don't get it…and neither did any of those 19 men in that room last night (2 of whom DON'T even HAVE kids!). I've already written, but I'll write it again: the last 6 months separation from you two has been hard enough…and we can't wait to get you home! What gets into a man's heart…or more to the point…what has to DIE in a man's heart to walk away from his child? 

This is something that CAN'T just be relative. It's not relative, it's evil.  

And that's why, in the next few weeks, a bunch of men from Flatirons…men with a heart for widows and orphans (James 1:27)…are going to step up…and take a young boy under their wings…and try to right a wrong. It's not going to be easy…it's going to be messy…and there will be a lot of frustration and second-guessing and doubt…just like real fatherhood. None of us dads have this down pat, do we? But in the end…the best we can hope for is…if we show up…and do our best to love and protect…and realize that kids spell love= T-I-M-E…maybe things will work out. Maybe our kids (our blood sons and daughters…and our "field buddies" from Fathers in the Field) might turn their hearts back home. And what does that look like?  

I guess that's all relative.

"He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…". (Malachi 4:6)


Day 187: Believe

I just got home from my evening men's group. I know I've written you about how we begin each group by "checking in"--a process where each man checks in with the group with how they're feeling…using these 6 major emotions: sad, angry, scared, happy, excited and tender. Tonight I checked in sad, scared, happy, excited and tender. I really won't get into why I'm sad, scared and tender. Suffice it to say, there's stuff at the office and at church that has a hold of my heart in those areas. 

I WILL tell you why I'm excited and happy

Take a wild guess? I am SO excited and happy to know that you're coming home. I'm like, "Christmas Excited, Happy!" It's October 6th and you guys are hoping to be finished by October 14th…at the latest! 8 days! As of tomorrow…7 days…that's a week…168 hours! I can't wait!

So, I'm going to bed now. The sooner I fall asleep…the sooner it will be tomorrow…and a week away from your finale. It's hard to believe this big adventure is finally coming to an end, but it's hard to believe you've been gone for 6 months…and hard to believe that you've walked over 2,000 miles…over 14 different states. 

(Nick & Katie at the 2,000 Mile Marker)

It's hard to believe…but I know it's true…and I know you want to come home as much as we need you here.        

“…Everything is possible for one who believes.” (Mark 9:23)


Day 189: Footsteps in the Grass 

"So, we drove up to where the trail is and I said, 'This is where they had to cross.' Mom looked up the hill…it was filled with grass, like a meadow and said, 'If I had to hike up that…I'd just stop right here!' What they've (Katie and Nick) done is something else! Bless their hearts."  -- Papa Foote at one of the AT crossings in Vermont 

Nana and Papa are making their annual trek through New England and Maine. I spoke to them on the phone tonight. It seems they spent the day in a New Hampshire clinic trying to get medicine for Papa. He has a kidney infection. That'll put a damper on your vacation! We talked on the phone as Nana drove them both to Camden, Maine--their destination for the next couple of days. Papa told me how…as they drove through Vermont yesterday…they saw a sign for the Appalachian Trail. They scooted up the 3 miles or so and came to where the AT crossed the road outside of some little town I can't remember now. Papa told me that they just needed to see a portion of the trail where you two hiked through. 

Something about that stuck with me.

As Papa told me about he and Nana…stopped on the road…staring at where the trail crossed…and the long path up the grassy hill…it made me sad. I don't know why. Papa kept talking, but all I could think about was that empty trail…and where you two passed through it. I wondered what it was like the morning…or day…or night you crossed that road and hiked up that meadow. Was that a good day…when you were filled with energy and excitement? Or was that one of those days when you just wanted this all to end…when you were tired and bored and wished you were home? In my head, I had this image of you two…this ghostly, phantom-like image of you…slogging up that hill…like the thousands of hills you've hiked before it…and then, you just sort of disappear, like a vapor…the only thing left; the imprint of your footsteps in the grass…and then, a breeze, then nothing. 

Like I wrote, it made me sad. And now, I'm sitting here at my computer wondering where you are. I tried calling you today, but got the instant automatic message on your phone. You're obviously out of a service area. I know you're out there somewhere, but I can't see you or speak to you…and I can't shake that phantom image of you two…drifting along the trail…without leaving a mark…passing through miles and miles and miles of rugged path and never leaving a trace. I know you're out there somewhere, but it's been too long. I know I'm not, but I feel like I'm losing you…and that  shadowy image in my head of you two disappearing over that grassy hill in Vermont won't leave me. 

Please call when you can.

"You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure. Surely everyone goes around like a mere phantom; in vain they rush about, heaping up wealth without knowing whose it will finally be."  (Psalm 39:5-6)


Day 190: As You Wish 

"That day, she (Buttercup) was amazed to discover that when he was saying 'As you wish', what he (Wesley) meant was, 'I love you'…" -- Grandpa from The Princess Bride
This isn't my last message to you, but it's most likely the last you'll be able to read before you finish.

Tomorrow you'll re-supply for the last time in Monson, Maine before embarking on the 100 Mile Wilderness. I'm guessing that phone and internet service will be limited in an area with "wilderness" in its name. Still, I will continue to write you…and continue to try and encourage you…even though you may never read my messages until you're done. As I wrote to you earlier, this writing thing is as much (if not more) for me than for you. The notes I've been writing you…over the last 6 months…have really helped me stay connected (heart wise) with you. They've kept you at the forefront of my mind, and in turn, at the forefront of my prayers. 

"…For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you…"  (Colosians 1:9) 

And now you'll "go dark" again. Tomorrow you'll begin that 100 mile stretch of (what is considered) the wildest, and most challenging, piece of the Appalachian Trail. All I've heard and read is that it's thick with some of the densest forest in North America. Bill Bryson makes it sound like some Grimm Brothers nightmare. But I will cling to what Old Drum told Katie over 1,500 miles ago--it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Old Drum told Katie, "I've got a little secret for you. The 100 Mile Wilderness isn't as hard as people say it is."  So, instead of thinking about Buttercup and Wesley…lost in the swamp from The Princess Bride…I'll think about what Old Drum said.

That's the way it is with most things. People usually want to make their experiences sound bigger and scarier and more profound than they probably ever were. I think it's just part of the storyteller in all of us. So, I will rest…for the next 5-6 days…in the hope that the 100 Mile Wilderness is more like a Disney forest than the Fire Swamp from The Princess Bride. And when you come out…safe-and-sound…on the other side, and after you two ascend Mt. Katahdin…give me a call to bring you home.  

And I will gladly say, "As you wish."


Day 191: Linus and Lucy  

Katie, you've always loved Peanuts by Charles Schulz, so I know you'll appreciate this: 

He looks like Charlie Brown and she looks more like Charlie's sister Sally, but Em and Micah are definitely more Linus and Lucy then Charlie and Sally. This is probably the longest extended period of time that I've gotten to spend with Micah. Having them all day, then getting them for a sleep over has been great! Micah's still unsure of Grampa's growing beard, but I think he's getting used to it. After Mom laid him down for his nap this afternoon he kept crying and crying. 

I went into our spare room and pulled him out of the pack-n-play and started to rock him in the rocking chair. He continued to sniffle and cry…all the while looking around that strange room. What must have he been thinking?! It's the first time he's taken a nap at Grampa and Mimi's and it was probably more than he's ever experienced. Remember? That room's filled with an array of statues and figures; a huge Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket…a full set of Bible Bobbleheads (Moses, Noah, Samson and the rest)…more stuffed animals than he's ever seen before (a green giraffe, a pink lion and a hot pink hippo)…and all the strange furniture. It was his first time in that spare room. It had to be terrifying for the little guy.

Micah/Linus snuggled close to me and clutched his blankie to his face--sucking on his thumb. His eyes were as wide as golf balls..darting around the room…trying to take in all strangeness. He had cried himself to the point that his diaphragm was sputtering. He would sporadically suck in air and then let out little bursts…as if he was trying to expel the fear. I watched his face…especially his eyes. I'm sure every grandparent thinks their grandkids are the smartest and most special (at least they'd better!), but the look on Micah's face…it was filled with inquisitive wonder. As he sucked away on his thumb…with his blankie pressed against his cheek…he fell asleep. 

"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet."  (Proverbs3:24)

Tonight, Micah went down without a peep. I think the strangeness of the spare room wore off. For now, Micah will need his trusty blankie and thumb to get him through the hard days and nights. And like Linus, he's got a big sister who is strong and protective and just a little bit bossy, but not too much. Having the two of them together for the day was more entertaining  than a year's worth of Peanuts comic strips. 

And just think, Katie…in another week and a half…you'll get both of them 2 days a week!  

"Good grief!"  

(Micah, Mimi and Peanut)


Monday, September 28, 2015

A Whole Bunch of New Posts...

Day 161: Reunited        

"Look who's back?!!!"  -- Katie

This is going to be very, very quick because I got to talk with Katie…I was at church until late…and I have to get rolling early in the morning. It's Round 2 of our back-to-back men's/women's retreat weekends. 

I just wanted to say that I was very happy to get the picture Katie texted of her and Maybelline. I think it's great that you're all together again. Maybelline was a very good motivator through Virginia and a real Trail Angel/NYC Tour Guide. I hope and pray you are all able to spur each other on…to hike with abandon…and reach Katahdin soon! I'm going to go back to that familiar Bible passage from Ecclesiastes 4:9-10:

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"

Enjoy the rest of your stay in Hanover…then get back at it! We need you home.  


Day 162: No Writing
Preparing for men's retreat...

Day 163: Wilderness Experience 

"I know I'm supposed to say something like, 'I feel so close to God' or something like that, but I can't. I feel lost and distant and unsure if we should even do this.

When Stephen Krieger said this Thursday night, I thought to myself, "He's in the perfect place to head out into the mission field!"

Listening to Stephen Krieger give his thoughts and feelings about he and Hillary (and their yet-to-be-born little baby) heading off to a 4-year missions trip to England was eye-opening and honest. He shared with an honesty that's rare in just about anywhere else--except Flatirons. Stephen didn't pull any punches when he told everyone in the room (most of whom were their financial supporters!) that he was scared…and doubtful…and feeling distant from God. You could see a lot in the room lean forward or shift awkwardly in their chairs. 

I got goosebumps.

I couldn't help but think about the spiritual and emotional desert Stephen was in…and all those other desert or wilderness experiences God let people walk through in the Bible: Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Elijah…and Jesus. There almost seems to be a pattern in how God sends people into the wilderness before He does something big or amazing with them. Moses led the Israelites for 40 years in the desert…living off of daily provisions from God…until they finally entered the Promise Land and became a sovereign nation. David ran for his life into the wilderness…living a very hard life in caves, climbing like a mountain goat…and eventually came back to civilization and took the throne as king of Israel. And even Jesus went off to the desert…for forty days and forty nights…without food or water…and then started His ministry and changed the world. 

Listening to Stephen Thursday got me very excited about what God has in store for the Kriegers next. I have so much hope for them because I firmly believe that God is allowing him to walk through this spiritual desert in preparation for the big and amazing things He's got in store for them next. Driving home that night…I thought of you two…and the wilderness you've been walking through since April…wondering what big and amazing things God has in store for YOU next! Will you come back to your Promise Land? Will you establish your own kingdom and live out your lives as a couple "after His own heart"? (1 Samuel 13:14)

Only God knows…and all I know is that it will be big and amazing!   


Day 164: Echoes 

His voice echoed across the hills surrounding the gymnasium and hot tub. I was walking down the road that led from the guest house I was staying at for men's retreat and the center of Crooked Creek Ranch in Fraser, CO. I was too far away to recognize him, but he looked like he was in his mid-40s. It was near the end of Free Time and this man and his buddy were just lounging in the hot tub in the 78 degree sun at 9,000 feet altitude. The water in the hot tub and the hillside that wrapped around it made it acoustically perfect. He sounded like he was right next to me:

"Yeah. My dad never hugged me or showed any affection. Never. Never told me he loved me, either. STILL hasn't! I don't know. I guess it's the way it's always gonna be.

This guy said it with little, to no, emotion. No pain. No anger, just a simple statement. Like he was telling his buddy what he had for lunch that day. It made me sad. I thought to myself, "Who doesn't tell their kids 'I love you'? And what kind of dad doesn't hug his son? But the truth is, there's a lot of them out there. Lots of them end up in my office…and sitting in the hot tub at men's retreat. A lot of them hide the wounds and scars left by their fathers; scars of abuse, passivity or neglect. I spent the weekend at Crooked Creek again with 500 men from Flatirons for our fall installment of the ROYAL Men's Retreat…and lots of these men fit into that category; hurt and wounded by their fathers. 

The great thing about this weekend: I got to see a lot of those men learn that they have a Father…One that loves them…and has given them a portion of His kingdom. They got to hear how God can help them love with a whole heart…with all their heart, soul, mind and strength (Luke 10:27) and how to deal with the pain and anger left by their fathers. Ephesians 6:4 reads:

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
There's a reason Paul only speaks to fathers here; only fathers can wound and hurt (exasperate) their children this deeply. A father is supposed to love and protect his kids and when he doesn't…through abuse, passivity or neglect…he hurts them deeply and they end up carrying that burden for years…until God is allowed to lift that burden and heal them. 

I got to see and hear that healing last night…under a clear sky littered with a billion stars…standing by a raging fire…as man-after-man threw his past into the flames and chucked his burden into an abyss of darkness. And as each man ended this ritual…the other 500 bellowed into the cold night air a howl of, "Aaahoo!" that echoed like nothing I'd ever heard before. Over and over again. Over 500 times…500 men's voices…all in unison, "Aaahoo! Aaahoo! Aaahoo! Aaahoo!……" 

The echo of our voices shook the night.    

It was powerful. And maybe God was able to use that raging fire…and those burdens flung into the night…to finally bring peace to a lot of exasperated hearts. And maybe the echoes of our "Aaahoo!Aaahoo! Aaahoo!…" were able to devour the echo from the hot tub earlier that day…and all the other voices and lies that have echoed inside those mens heads for years.




(Watch the ROYAL Men's Retreat wrap-up video at:

Day 165: The Depths of the Sea  

So, I can't help it. My mind's still working through all the stuff that happened this past weekend at men's retreat. My head is cluttered with all the great conversations…and meetings…and experiences I was able to witness. And I keep wondering about ALL the other stuff I never saw…or will ever see; things that only God is privy to. 

There's a lot of personal stuff that I can never share, but there's one that I can…and that I want to share. Here goes:

We've been very careful not to tell folks about what goes on at the ROYAL men's and women's retreats because we did back-to-back men's and women's in the spring…and we're repeating the exact same thing here in the fall. We didn't want to let any of the teachings and experiences out in the spring…and possibly ruin the experience for men and women in the fall. But I'm safe now. By the time anyone else reads this on my men's blog…both fall retreats will be over. And I think I'm safe in telling you…over 1,200 miles from home. 

A big part of this weekend revolved around the burdens each of us carry; burdens of sin, shame, regret, abuse, and so on. To emphasize this, each man this past weekend (and woman this coming weekend) was given a cloth backpack…one of those simple canvas tote bags with the strings you can carry on your back. They were told to take the bag, then to pick out a large rock from a pile..put it in the cloth backpack…and wear it…at all times…until you were given instructions to take it off. That was first thing Friday night. On Saturday morning, Jim told the men to write on strips of paper the junk and names and lies the men have been told…or believed about themselves…and to put those things in the bag. I won't get into the rest, but suffice to say, they were able to deal with those stone burdens…and those strips of paper filled with lies…in a powerful way.

But the thing is…some of those men didn't write on paper. They wrote on the stones themselves…and on Sunday…after ridding themselves of those rocks on Saturday night…they were given a rock back and told it had changed. It was different now; no longer a burden, but a rock to build a SOLID foundation on (Matthew 7:24-27). Well, we couldn't give anyone one of the rocks that were written on, so I took all those and went to get rid of them.

First of all, looking at those rocks was like coming across someone's diary or journal. They were all anonymous, but it still felt like I was invading someone's privacy. I didn't read them all, but what I could see was heartbreaking. The things that some of those men think about themselves…or the lies they've been told…sank in my heart…like the rock itself.

And that's when I got the idea of how I was going to dispose of them.

I couldn't just chuck them over a hill. Someone may come across it…and once again (like I did) invade an anonymous privacy. So I loaded them up in one of the camp's mini-trucks and drove to the pond at the front of the camp property. Then, one-by-one I took those stones…and those lies…and those names…and threw them in the water. Each of those "burdens"…about 10 in all…and sunk them in the pond. It felt great! I know I've already shared Galatians 6:2 with you before, but it's the verse that was in my head as I threw each of those rocks into the pond:

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

I stood at that pond and was overcome by the honor I had that morning. I was not only carrying someone else's burden…I was helping them get rid of it…for good…burying it underwater…never to be seen again. And I thought about the promise we have in Jesus…and how God deals with our sin the same way when we put our trust in Him where we're told:

"You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea."  (Micah 7:19)      

What do people do without that hope?


Day 166: Wild Places  

Tomorrow we get to go to the mountains.

I know you've been in the mountains for most of the last 5 1/2 months, but not us. Tomorrow Jim and I are taking Jonah and Emery up to the property. I think Jim needs to check the progress on the installation of his road or something. He told me that he was taking Jonah up there with him and asked if I wanted to get Em and join them. Of course, the answer was "Yes!" I can't wait! Em LOVES being in the wild…and playing in the creek…and throwing "Big Wocks" into the stream. Ali promised to send the bug spray with her. Emery's still got the remnants of the bug bites from July 4th weekend.

(Emery and her hiking pack)

Katie, Emery reminds me so much of you at that age. She's fearless and adventurous when it comes to being in the wild. I love that we get to indoctrinate her at such an early age…like Mom and I did with you, Katie…with all those camping trips to Eisenhower State Park in Texas. You seemed to be covered in perpetual mosquito bites through most of the summer when you were growing up. Then, as you moved into high school and out of school…you went camping with your friends on your own. What would have happened if we never took you camping or let you experience the wilderness? It makes me sad--thinking of all those girly-girls who are afraid of bugs and wildlife and being outdoors. Katie, I love that you love nature and hiking…and even love the two skunks that invaded the shelter you, Maybelline and Kismet stayed in the other night after taking Maybelline to the hospital for her allergic reaction to peaches. Wow. Anyway, most women (your mother included) would have cashed it in a LONG time ago…way before the skunk invasion. 

I have a strong feeling Em is going to be one of those girls who thrives in the woods and the wild places…and I can't wait until you get home and help her learn some more. Until then, she gets to go with her Grampa, her Pop Pop, and her cousin Jonah to build on her lifetime of loving the outdoors.

"He (God) makes springs pour water into the ravines; it flows between the mountains. They give water to all the beasts of the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst. The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches. He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the land is satisfied by the fruit of his work.  (Psalm 104:10-13)

By the way, Katie. Thanks for the picture of you on top of Mt. Moosilauke…and especially for the note:

"360 miles to go!"    

We're down to days...



Day 167: Peanut  

"Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, Lord, preserve both people and animals."  (Psalm 36:5-6)

We're getting ready to leave to head to Indiana and Ohio. I've had this trip on my calendar since early spring. When I was asked by Scott Hundley to come up to his church to speak I thought, "That would be great! Katie and Nick will be back from hiking the AT and they can house-sit and watch Peanut." Now, 6 months later…things look a little different than we expected. Mom and I are still heading north, but you two aren't here, so Peanut's off to the farm! My new admin Carleen and husband John have graciously agreed to take Peanut while we're gone. We couldn't be more grateful…but Mom is worried. Tonight she said, "I'm afraid Peanut's going to make John and Carleen's life miserable while we're gone…she's SO neurotic…and it's my fault!" I can't disagree. Mom has coddled that dog to the point of excess…and now…all we have is a Jack Russell who is spoiled beyond ALL compare. Her only saving grace is that she can be SO cute. 

(Katie and Peanut, circa 2010)

I never thought Peanut would live this long. 12 years ago…I thought I would have killed her by now.

I love dogs. I always have. Nana and Papa were from a different generation. Papa grew up on a farm…where dogs lived outside and had a purpose; usually for protection and detection. The first dog I remember was Duchess…Papa's collie that he had as a kid. I remember visiting my Grandpa and Grandma Foote's farm and riding Duchess like a horse. I was probably 3 years old, but I still remember the sweet smell of her fur as I clutched the hair around her neck…as Papa steadied me and Duchess walked around the yard in front of the farmhouse. She was so sweet and gentle and looked exactly like Lassie from TV. 

The next dog I remember was Snoopy. I think Uncle Dave and I whined and complained enough that Nana and Papa let us get Snoopy. He was a little black , long haired mutt. I think he was a cross between a schnauzer and a rat. I was in 2nd grade when we got him and never really established a connection with him. It's hard to bond with a dog when he has to stay outside. It was also hard taking care of Snoopy and he became destructive (digging in the yard) and nipping at everyone. Eventually, Snoopy went to "stay" at Grandpa Foote's farm. Shortly after he left our home we went and visited. I was looking forward to seeing Snoopy again, but when we got to the farm…I was told he ran away. It took a few years before I put the pieces together and realized that "staying at the farm" and he "ran away" were euphemisms for a .22 caliber to the head.

We had Spatz the Cat for a long while. He was a good cat (if there IS such a thing), but he was no dog. Spatz died of old age 2 weeks before I left for college. 

Mom and I foolishly took home a beagle we named "Ed the Pup" when we were about 6 months into our first year of marriage. It was stupid. We both worked and the last thing you can do is keep a puppy cooped up in a 2 bedroom apartment all day while you're off at work. We had Ed for 3 days before he was quickly adopted at the pound. I thought that was it for us and dogs…until Ella.

We got Ella when Katie was about 2 years old. She was the sweetest, most obedient dog--as most yellow labs are. We had Ella for 12 years. Katie never remembers life without a dog…and I've always said, "The hardest things I've ever had to do is drop Ben off at college…and put Ella down." The two of those happened within about a year.

Peanut came into our lives the Christmas of 2002. Katie was in middle school and one night, on the way home from youth group, she said she wanted a puppy for Christmas. I looked over at her in the passenger seat. In the dark driving home…lit only by the streetlights on Bethany Road…Katie looked like a little lady, not a little girl. I knew, soon, she would be too big for puppies and Christmas Wish Lists…so we got her a puppy. We had just watched "My Dog Skip" on video and I thought, "That's a cute dog. I'll look for one of those." I didn't do the research. All I did was find a breeder…buy her…and put a ribbon around her neck on Christmas morning. It was one of our best Christmases ever!

Then we went through Hell.            

Who knew that Jack Russell's are one of the hardest dogs to train; big dogs in tiny, little bodies…pushing their owner/trainers to the brink. About 9 months after Peanut entered our home…I thought for sure I would do her in and bury her in a shallow grave in the backyard. I didn't…and slowly…she won my heart. Now, almost 13 years later…she has been pampered and spoiled to the point where we feel like we can't send her to anyone else…but you two. She loves you two like no other…except for Mom. 

Peanut's old now…and requires a lot more care and attention than she did as a puppy. I know she'll eventually do well at John and Carleen's, but really…she needs to have you back too. Like the rest of us, she misses you. They say that dogs have a 200 word vocabulary…and "Katie" and "Nick" are part of Peanut's. The truth is…Peanut is an "acquired taste" and as she's aged…her circle of friends has grown smaller. It's like the quote from Josh Billings: 

"A puppy plays with every pup he meets, but an old dog has few associates."

Other than Gertie and us…Peanut's friends are few. I've written this before…and I'll keep writing it until you are back in Colorado: Hurry home. There are lots of people…and one funny, pain-in-the-rear doggie who need you home. 


Day 168: Patience

I had little, to no, patience today. I'm not sure why.

It was another crazy day, but really, no crazier than any other day. I was scrambling around trying to get everything done that needed to be done before Mom and I headed to Indiana and Ohio. Really, today was no different than any other Thursday. Still, I was frustrated in traffic...impatient in meetings...and in my head, angry. 

I left the office a cloud.

I drove home in silence. I'm still sticking with my "media fast" in my truck as I drive to and from places. I've been enjoying the quiet...and as I already wrote you...I'm hearing God's whisper again. But the inner anger and impatience today blocked any whispers. All I had in my head were waves and waves of turmoil.

I was I could pinpoint what it was. I also wish I had a quick fix or antidote for it. 

I don't. 

And all I can do is try to give it to God, but something in me wants to keep hold on to wallow in it. Something in me wants this anger to fester...and grow. 

I'm glad the Bible tells me God doesn't handle His anger the same way.

"For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." (Psalm 30:5)

Sorry. That's not very encouraging or insightful tonight...but it's honest. 


Day 169: No Writing
Traveling to Indiana...

Day 170: In God's Hands

"It's in God's hands now. We're not going to stress about it. If we finish in time, we finish. If not, we don't...but we're not going to get all stressed about it." (Katie, on the phone, Saturday, September 18, 2015) 

Katie, hearing you on the phone today made my heart ache. Knowing that you two have been pushing yourselves the way you have been; hiking farther than you should have, pushing yourselves to the point of possibly hurting yourselves and then, running out of made me hurt for you.

I know I've written this before, but I want to write it again: this is your hike. I want you to do this for yourselves...for Nick and Katie. Not for Mom and me or Ben and Ali or Em and Micah (Okay...maybe a little for Em and Micah. Kidding.). When you told us the guy in the hostel said you hiked DOUBLE what most people do through that area it made me worry like I haven't worried for you before. So PLEASE take care of yourselves...and don't stress out over finishing before the weather hits Mt. Katahdin. Katie, you said it best, "It's all in God's hands now." That's true, but I want to remind you: It's been in God's hands from the's been in His hands all along.

"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God.' My times are in your hand..."  (Psalm 31:14-15)

Your time is in God's hand...and that's a safe and peaceful place to stay. Carry that home. It will do you both well the rest of your lives.


(Nick and Katie summiting Mt. Washington in New Hampshire)

Day 171: Dominos

"…God designed us to be transformed primarily inside a community. There is no such thing as a personal relationship with God. Although you are a person and can relate WITH God without anyone around, you are NOT designed to grow by yourself."  (Author Hugh Halter, "Flesh")

God continues to surprise me on this journey in ministry through Flatirons.

There have been so many connections to the past that have intertwined here in Columbus, IN. First of all, it starts with Scott Hundley. As I said when I spoke at Community Church of Columbus (where Scott's on staff leading their counseling and community ministries), I've known Scott longer than I've known Mom--by 3 days! Scott became friends with Tom Brunsman during their freshman year at Milligan College. I met Scott the next year in 1979...3 days before I met Mom. 

So...Tom and I were best friends growing up...and he became friends with Scott Hundley at Milligan. Like dominos, one friendship tips and bumps into another...then that domino falls and so on: Me-to-Tom-to-Scott...and back to me. 

Then, 3 days after Scott and I bumped into each other...I met Mom in the lobby at Hart Hall where a few folks had thrown her a birthday party. Victor Hull and I only went because we heard there would be cake. Then, as we stepped into Hart Hall...I saw Mom. I saw how cute she was...and the next thing I knew...I was sitting across from her...eating Oreos from the care package Nana had sent me. We sat and talked and ate Oreos and drank milk. I knew then...I was falling in love.

And another domino fell...

That's the way life is...we're all just dominos tipping...falling into each other...causing a chain reaction of relationship. Being in Columbus, IN only highlighted this. 36 years later, Scott and I are still friends. We're both overseeing he same ministry at our respective churches...and while I was at Community Church of Columbus the dominos represented were:
1) Scott, my friend of over 36 years
2) Mom, my wife of over 34 years...whom I've known for 3 days less than Scott
3) Scott's wife Penny...and Gracie, their funny, engaging daughter
4) Duane Helmick, a kind and gentle man who managed Stony Glen Camp. Stony Glen is literally a mile down the road from where I grew up! I graduated with his daughter Tammy and had NO idea he was a member of Scott's church! Serendipitous! 
5) Tommy Oakes, the campus pastor at East Tennessee State University while I was at Milligan. Tommy is the campus pastor who told the Chronicles of Narnia story about Aslan the Lion (the Christ figure in the series) "un-dragoning" the boy. Jim Burgen was there that Sunday...and God used that story to change his life. That's the story that thrust Jim into a reconnection with Jesus...and thrust him into ministry.

Dominos. One bumping into another, then another...

I know this is happening to you out there on the it already has in your lives. One of the great blessings of getting older is being able to look back over time and seeing the trails...the paths those dominos have taken. We get the wide angle view and we get to see the patterns our relational domino trails have led. You don't get to see it in process, but it's beautiful in hindsight.

You are down to days now. You are almost done. And this journey you've been on...this trail you have taken...there's no telling where those dominos will lead...what relationships will be effected...and the lives that will be changed or re-charted from having bumped into you two. But it's exciting to think about, isn't it?

"Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways." (Proverbs 4:26)


Day 172: No Writing
Driving to Louisville, KY...

Day 173: Uncle Buzz

I found the envelope as I pulled our suitcases out of the trunk of our rental car. 

We got into Nana and Papa's late in the afternoon and immediately went to meet Uncle Dave and Aunt Sue at their favorite Chinese restaurant in town. As usual, the night was filled with stories and laughter and teasing. We all ended up back at Nana and Papa's for homemade oatmeal cookies and ice cream. I'm going to pay for this trip! I started the day at Uncle Buzz and Jerri's with her homemade bran muffins, then...I HAD to get Skyline Chili for lunch (a 3-way chili and 2 coney dogs...and Tums around rush hour in Columbus, OH). 

It was late by the time Uncle Dave and Aunt Sue headed for home. Dave helped me pull the suitcases out of the trunk. That's when I saw the envelope. It was sealed. There was nothing written on the front. I opened it and read the folded note inside. It read:

"Bring the Hikers Home Fund"

Enclosed with the note were 2 crisp $100 bills. Uncle Buzz had slipped it under my suitcase as we packed up to leave Louisville in the morning. 

I've always said, "He's the nice one." Uncle Buzz is the most kind and caring of the four of us, your uncles and me. He's always been that way. As the youngest of the four Foote brothers, Buzz/Darren had to endure the jockeying and jostling for attention that comes from a busy household with 3 older brothers. He had to patiently endure the backseat in life...until one-by-one...each of us moved out and moved on. It left him with a thoughtful, caring spirit...a deep well of understanding...and an almost immeasurable gift of patience. He always seems to be looking out for others.

And he's looking out for you. He's given you $200 to help work out a plan to get you home. I know you're not going to push things and stress yourselves out...but can we try and target your "re-entry"?

Uncle Buzz wants to help you land safely.

" not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." (Philippians 2:4)


Day 174: Memory Lane

"By wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; And by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches."  (Proverbs 24:3-4)

Our tour started by driving south to Chardon. There were a lot of houses on our list. It began with:

1) Tilden Ave. Chardon, OH
This is where a slate-grey 2-story house surrounded by 100 year old Maple trees is located. Mom and I first moved in there in 1981 after we got married. During our first year of marriage we lived in the upstairs apartment. We were newlyweds. The rent was $220.00 a month and the 2 bedroom place looked and felt like you were living in a tree fort. 

(117 Tilden Ave., Chardon, Ohio)

The next year we moved downstairs to the 2 bedroom apartment below (because it had a basement and we could get a washer and dryer). This is where Ben was conceived and born. Mom and I loved that place on Tilden Ave., but it was very cramped. 

Nana and Papa stepped in and helped us by purchasing a house on...

2) Chapel Rd. Madison, OH

This is where we lived for 2 years before moving to New Jersey. We rented it from Nana and Papa. Ben was a one year old when we moved in...and a little over two when we packed up and said goodbye to Ohio...and hello to New Jersey. I had a hard time living in the Madison house, I don't know why. Maybe it was because we were renting from my parents and I didn't feel like Mom and I were completely on our own...maybe it was because the house was in my hometown...or maybe it was simply a restless spirit that God used to move us where He wanted us to go: New Jersey to Texas to Colorado.  

Next stop on our list of Madison homes was...

3) Montrose Ave.

My first memories are in this house. It's the home we lived in when I was born in 1960. It's the home we lived in when Uncle Doug was born on November 23, 1963...the day after John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX. 

One of my earliest memories was the day they brought Doug home from the hospital. It was a dark day for me, not because of JFK's murder, but because I lost my position as baby in the family. I remember watching Kennedy's flag-draped caisson moving through the streets of DC on our black and white my parents and grandparents passed this newborn, little interloper around--cooing and "ooo-ing" at him the whole time. It was the first time I felt hatred. 

I came to love him...eventually...but not that day. That day...I was mourning with the rest of America...but for other, more selfish, reasons.

Nana, Papa and Mom and I continued to drive around Madison...driving past as many of my former family homes as we could before meeting Uncle Dave, Aunt Sue and the rest of their clan for dinner. 

We went past the house on Whitewood Dr. where we lived when I was in 5th grade. It will forever be the place I learned that my Grandma Foote was killed in a car wreck. 

We drove past the house on Shore Dr. where Uncle Buzz was born...and the house on Trinity Rd.--the place we rented while we built the home where Nana and Papa live today. We didn't get to them all. I still wanted to see the house on Town Line Rd. and our home on Atwater Dr. 

Today was a trip down Memory Lane. Some of those memories are good and some bad. My heart and head were tossed back and forth by them both. I know that right now...the home you live in is being carried on Nick's back. But will do the same thing we did today; you will re-trace where you once lived a portion of life. I know that will include a visit to Texas to reclaim memories. I also know you will need to revisit parts of the Appalachian Trail too. 

I see another grand hike in your very distant future.


Day 175: Joy to the World

Okay. Brace yourselves and don't be jealous: We drove into Cleveland today and went to The Christmas Story house! 

(The Christmas Story house, Cleveland, Ohio)

Yes! THE house! The house where Ralphie and Randy, The Old Man, and Scut Farkus all came to life with classic holiday film lines like, "You'll shoot yer eye out"..."Sons a'b#%&@n' Bumpus hounds!" and "I triple-dog dare you!" It was everything I wished it would be! Someday, you two need to visit. It's worth every penny of the $10 admission.

All the exterior house shots from the movie...and a handful of interior shots...were filmed at this house in Cleveland. The rest of that wonderful Christmas gem was filmed in Toronto, Canada. The house in Cleveland is a museum to the film and has been completely restored to it's original 1983 glory. Our tour guide informed us that the owner of the museum also gutted the interior of the house and painstakingly recreated the inside to match the movie sets filmed in Canada. It was amazing! It was like we were in the could almost smell the boiled cabbage from the kitchen. 

Our tour guide, Frank, encouraged us to have as much fun as we could on the tour. He said we could take as many pictures as we wanted...climb under the sink like Randy does when he thinks The Old Man is going to kill Ralphie (Mom did!)...and put on the stocking caps, elf hats and "pink nightmare" bunny costume (I did!) Frank also told us we could fondle the infamous "major award" (the racy leg lamp) in the front window, too. 

(The "major award"…)

It was a blast! The only thing missing was you two. 

Katie, I never thought anyone could love Christmas movies more than me, but you take the cake! And The Christmas Story is one of our favorites. It's been on our yearly list of must-see Christmas movies for at least 20 years. 

As we walked around the back of the house...where Ralphie almost "shoots his eye out" at the end of the movie...I got a twinge of the Christmas spirit. The temperature had nothing to do with it. It was almost 80 degrees. It was the realization that you two will be home in about 15-20 days. After being separated for months and months...15 days is nothing! And soon (in fewer days than it's been since I saw you in Virginia back in June) we will be sitting in our living room...eating and drinking something festive...and relishing the adventures of the Parker family from The Christmas Story once again! Just one of the many, many reasons to be thankful this year. 

Joy to the world! 

"And the angel said unto them, 'Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people'..." (Luke 2:10)


Day 176: The Glue of Imperfection 

"We don't think of our flaws as the glue that binds us to the people we love, but they are. Grace only sticks to our imperfections. Those who can't accept their imperfections can't accept grace either."  -- Donald Miller from Scary Close

It's been a good week. There have been some hard parts, but's been good. 

It's been 3 years since I've been back in Nana and Papa's home. Like Nana and Papa themselves, the place is the same...only older and a little weathered. The good parts of the week have been all the long conversations...the laughter...the food and the slow pace of life here. Mom and I really needed this. We needed to slow down. 

(Papa and me on the square in Chardon, Ohio)

I needed to mend some fences. I needed to spend some time with Nana and Papa and really show them I love them. I know that they know I love them...but I really needed to show them. Their "love language" is obviously quality time and Mom and I haven't been able to spend much time with them over the last couple of years...especially time in Ohio with them. So that's about all we've done since arriving Tuesday: Quality time. And it's been good. I need to do the same with you. I need quality time with you two too. I need the length and breadth of time with you.

The hard parts from this week have been mostly self-imposed. Being back home always dredges up old ghosts and memories of where a lot of my wounds and scars first originated. If I let them...the ghosts will scare off any chance of real healing. They haunt me from the dark corners of my memory banks; reminding me of mistakes long past and...urging me to be graceless about imperfections...not only my own, but the imperfections of others, too.

Mom started reading Donald Miller's book Scary Close out loud as drove on Monday. The quote above was VERY convicting. It stuck with me all day Monday.

It hasn't left me. 

That conviction was really digging into to me today. I need grace...and I need to give it. My biggest problem is that I show the least amount of grace to the ones I am closest to...starting with myself...and moving out in concentric circles. Mom has experienced this the most. I hate the fact that even though I know I am DEEPLY flawed...I won't give myself grace...and I'm SO quick-on-the-draw to point out the flaws of everyone else. I'm really, really trying to do better while I'm here in Ohio. Who knows when I'll be back and when (or if) I'll be able to see everyone here again? 

Family; we are stuck with each other...
We are bound by our flaws...
We are glued together by our imperfections and I really want to lead out with grace.

More importantly, though...this time...I really NEED to leave with grace.

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." (2 Corinthians 12:9)


Day 177: Sunset

The sun sets too quickly.

Mom and I are already headed home to Colorado. I'm writing this from the plane...watching the sun set in the west. It's an amazingly beautiful metaphor; the our time in Indiana, Kentucky and over too quickly. 

I'm guessing that mankind has probably always likened life to the seasons and the daily cycle; sunrise-to-morning-to-noon-to-dusk-to-dark. All of it...over too quickly.

Watching the sun its brilliant array of reds, oranges, pinks and blues...only emphasizes what I've been feeling all day. I've been thinking about (and probably obsessing about) the passage of time. It always happens when I go back to Ohio. Every corner of Nana and Papa's house...every road in Madison...and every landscape is filled with memories. And the memories (like my reading glasses) only bring the reality of time's passing into better view. 

Nana and Papa are at the twilight of their lives. They wear their age in a more profound way than they did the last time we were together. Being at their home this week brought back memories of the noonday and afternoon of their lives. We lived those days together in-and-around the town they still live. Driving by the various houses we lived at in Madison...and the schools I attended...and the places I worked...made me think of Nana and Papa during those times from our past. Their bodies were stronger...their eyes clearer...and their hair more youthful. 

But it's twilight now for Nana and Papa the sun setting out my's beautifully sad. The sun sets too quickly. 

The truth is...I can see dusk on my horizon. Standing in the bathroom getting ready this morning I looked in the mirror. It's the same mirror from my childhood, growing up there. I've stood in front of that mirror over the last 40+ years. Through puberty...and high school...and college...and right up until today. From morning to noon to afternoon...and now...I can see dusk. 

Dusk is on the horizon. It's beautiful...colored with a palette of a life well-lived with Mom...with you two, and Ben and Ali, and Emery and Micah; children and grandchildren I love and love to spend time with. 

Still, I can't help it. As happy and as blessed as I feel...I'm sad. It all goes by too quickly. You guys, and Ben and Ali, are in the late morning...and almost high noon...of your lives. And soon, you'll be looking and feeling the same way about Mom and I as I do about Nana and Papa. 

Enjoy the day.

"This is the day The Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)

Day 178: Heart Change  

"…'God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.' When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, 'Brothers, what shall we do?' Peter replied, 'Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'"  (Acts 2:36-39)
I love Baptism Weekend at Flatirons. 

I wasn't able to help with the baptisms last night, but was able to be there for both services today. It was an amazing time of laughter, tears and celebration. I was at one of the tubs with my new admin Carleen Burch…and stood to the side as Carleen and her daughter Savannah baptized Hunter, Savannah's son and Carleen's grandson. It was very moving and reminded me of the Sunday Nick was baptized at Flatirons. Having Katie and Ben there that Sunday at the tub made baptizing Nick even more special. 

I will be forever grateful that I had the privilege of baptizing my kids: Ben, Katie and Nick (Ali was baptized by Jim…which is as it should be). It's a major step…a major event…when someone makes that decision to turn their life over to Jesus. There were multiple times this morning where I looked someone in the eyes and asked them, "Do you believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior?" The responses varied. Some were joyous yeses…and some were tearful, grateful affirmations…some almost too filled with emotion to hear. 

It's not like it's magic water. It's an inflatable pool filled from a garden hose. But the transformation we see as people come out of the water makes you wonder. That's what a major heart change does; it transforms you…inside and out. That's what happens when Jesus is allowed into someone's heart. It does drastic things. Some you get to see from the outside like, the soaking wet smiles and celebrations at the tubs. Or the vices left behind…the drinking, the drugs, the sexual sin cast off in the water. 

Some of the other changes that occur are a little harder to see…but no less significant. I have a feeling it'll be the same with you two when you return. I'm sure we'll see a lot of the exterior changes immediately (i.e., healthy complexions, toned bodies, etc.). The other changes…are probably going to be the kind of changes that will take years to see the results, maybe even a lifetime. 

I sure hope I'm there for that too.    

