Monday, March 11, 2013

Small Is Better

Whether we like it or not, small groups really are the best answer to building a strong community here at Flatirons—and making this place seem just a wee bit smaller. I heard someone say years ago that Christianity is an “eyeball to eyeball” religion; meaning that it’s relational…that through Jesus we live in relationship with God, and in relationship with others.
That being said, small groups probably aren’t everyone’s first choice. Am I right? I mean, let’s face it…small groups can be awkward…periodically intrusive…and, yes, maybe even a little threatening. I’m only being honest here. Walking in…sitting down with a group of strangers…and opening up about your life with Jesus can be just a little unsettling.
But that’s exactly what I did last week. I dropped in on one of our (many) men’s small groups we have meeting every week for The Trail. After sitting down, I realized I only knew 2 of the 8 guys who were meeting there, so I felt a bit like an outsider at first. It wasn’t long before the group’s conversation found its way to Jim Burgen’s message from the weekend before ( Seeing Is Believing. Or Is It? March 2-3, 2013). The guys specifically got to the topic of faith.    
And here’s why I love the small group format: these guys all sat around this conference table that night and shared their struggles, their victories, and their questions of faith. It was real. It was honest. And it was inspiring. C.S. Lewis was fond of saying, “We read to know we’re not alone.” I’d like to amend that for this and say, “We meet in small groups to know we’re not alone.” I know I wasn’t the only one around that table who felt LESS alone because I was spending time and listening to some other guys walking through the same stuff I am. And where, in a place like Flatirons, are you going to have a better chance to connect with some other guys who are walking through the same stuff you are? That’s why we have The Trail small groups…and Flatirons On Tap…and the numerous groups posted up on FlatironsList.
So, if you’re looking to connect and build some relationships around here, I can only say one thing: “Small is better.” And when was the last time you heard that?!